Large Model Safety Workshop 2024

July 2, 2024, Singapore


In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, the development and deployment of large models have ushered in a new era of innovation and possibilities. However, with great power comes great responsibility, necessitating a deep dive into the safety and ethical considerations surrounding these advanced technologies. To address these critical issues, we are excited to announce a comprehensive workshop focused on Large Model Safety, designed for professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts in the field of AI. This workshop aims to shed light on the myriad challenges and opportunities presented by large models, fostering a robust dialogue on novel attacks, risk mitigation strategies, and ethical guidelines to ensure their beneficial and secure application across various domains.
This engaging workshop will feature a series of expert talks on the complex landscape of large model safety. From understanding the technical intricacies of large model development to exploring the societal impacts of AI safety, attendees will gain insights into the multifaceted aspects of large model safety. Whether you’re a seasoned AI practitioner or new to the field, this workshop promises to offer valuable perspectives on fostering innovation while prioritizing safety, ethics, and accountability in the age of transformative AI technologies.


This workshop is organized by

Speaker 3

Jun Sun

Singapore Management University

Speaker 2

Gerry Kian Woon Chng

Singapore's AI Technical Committee (AITC)

Media Support

This workshop is supported by Paper Weekly.


Invited Speakers

Speaker 5

Neil Gong

Duke University

Speaker 1

Mohan Kankanhalli

National University of Singapore

Speaker 2

Pang Wei Koh

University of Washington

Speaker 1

Bo Li

University of Chicago

Speaker 1

Sewon Min

University of Washington

Speaker 1

Prateek Mittal

Princeton University

Speaker 1

Ting Wang

StonyBrook University

Speaker 1

Ding Yao Wan

Gov Tech


This workshop will take place at Carlton Hotel Singapore. Empress Ballroom 5



Opening Address

Session 1: Academia 1, chaired by Sun Jun

Understanding Security Risks of Large Language Models

Prateek Mittal from University of Princeton

Coffee Break

Session 2: Academia 2, chaired by Chris Poskitt

Secure Content Moderation for Generative AI
Neil Gong from Duke University


Session 3: Academia 3, chaired by Xiaofei Xie

Safety and Trustworthiness Challenges for LLMs
Mohan Kankanhalli from National University of Singapore

Coffee Break

Session 4: Industry and Government, chaired by Gerry Chng

Adopt AI. Do Not Adopt Its Risk.
Martin Saerbeck from TÜV SÜD

Engineering LLM x Security: Challenges and Endeavors

Wan Ding Yao from GovTech

Dinner (invited attendees only at Wah Lok Cantonese Restaurant)