Speaker Details

Speaker 1

Prateek Mittal

Princeton University

Prateek Mittal is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Princeton University, where he is also affiliated with the department of Computer Science and the Center for Information Technology Policy. He is interested in the design and development of privacy-preserving and secure systems. His current interests include the domains of (1) security and privacy of machine learning, and (2) security and privacy of networked systems.

A unifying theme in Mittal’s work is to manipulate and exploit structural properties of data and networked systems to solve privacy and security challenges facing our society. His research has applied this distinct approach to widely-used operational systems, and has used the resulting insights to influence system design and operation, including that of the Let’s Encrypt certificate authority, directly impacting hundreds of millions of users.

He is the recipient of the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award, Princeton University’s E. Lawrence Keyes, Jr. award, the NSF Career award, the ONR YIP award, the ARO YIP award, faculty research awards from IBM, Intel, Google, Cisco, Siemens, and multiple award publications.


Title: Understanding Security Risks of Large Language Models