Speaker Details

Speaker 1

Neil Gong

Duke University

Neil Gong is an Associate Professor at Duke University. His research interests include cybersecurity and trustworthy AI. He received NSF CAREER Award, Army Research Office Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award, Rising Star Award from the Association of Chinese Scholars in Computing, IBM Faculty Award, Facebook Research Award, and multiple best paper or best paper honorable mention awards.

He was the Track PC Chair of the Machine Learning and Security track of ACM CCS 2022.

He received a B.E. from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2010 (with the highest honor) and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 2015.


Title: Secure Content Moderation for Generative AI

Abstract: Generative AI–such as GPT-4 and DALL-E 3–raises many ethical and legal concerns such as the generation of harmful content and scaling disinformation and misinformation campaigns. Content moderation for generative AI aims to address these ethical and legal concerns via 1) preventing a generative AI model from synthesizing harmful content, and 2) detecting AI-generated content. Prevention is often implemented using safety filters, while detection is implemented by watermark. Both prevention and watermark-based detection have been recently widely deployed by industry. In this talk, we will discuss the security of existing prevention and watermark-based detection methods in adversarial settings.